Installing Drools Tooling

To be able to work with drools, we need : 1) Java Virtual machine version 11

2) Download Apache Maven

3) install Visual Studio Code 4) install drools add-on and kogito tooling

Install Java Virtual Machine

Drools is working with either Oracle Java machine or OpenJDK. With the drools version we have, we can have java version 11.

Download Apache Maven

To be able to use drools, we need to download apache maven to build our code. Just unzip it on your local filesystem.

Install Visual Studio Code

After installing java, we can install Visual Studio Code

We have to install a few add-ons :

  • Drools

  • Kogito

  • Extension Pack for Java

Get the source code for the labs

the source code for the labs is here.

do a git check out out and build it. If the tests are OK than you are ready.

Last updated