Lesson 1 : Core concepts

What is a rule in drools?

and the select rule Drools/Rule Resource

the following element is then displayed: lesson1.drl

Let's analyze the rule elements:

  1. For every Java object, we are going to use, we need to import classes

  2. It is possible to define global variables

  3. Unique rule name

  4. Rule conditions sometimes called LHS=Left Hand Side as it is on the left side of the RETE algorithm which is included in drools

  5. Rule action is triggered when the rule conditions are met. It's possible to use pure Java code, this is even known as Right Hand Side (RHS).

Adding a simple condition to a rule

We create a rule the has a condition just a fact of type Account. If the rule is fired, then we shall show the message "The account exists" in the console. Notice that the then part is just pure java.

Create a Junit test called "testLesson1"

Let us add some logging to facilitate the output

Using a Global variable to log information

In the code we just did, we wrote the code System.out.println("blabla"). This is fine but let us imagine you want to log somewhere else, it is not possible. One good practice is to use global variables for that purpose. We first define a java class called OutputDisplay that we shall create in the util package in src/main/java

When running the Junit test, the console should look like this :

Using callback to log activity in drools runtime

Up to known, we only defined one rule. It runs or not and if yes we added a method that shows us something to see if the rule was executed. When working on bigger projects, adding logging code to each rule is not a good practice. This will complexify the writing of rules and furthermore, we are pushing drools to be a business tool for a business analyst and they have to write technical code. Drools offer a pattern to implement that functionality that is called session callbacks.

The production memory contains all the rule definitions (in our case the drl for the moment). The working memory which created with the session and we can add facts to it with the method insert. The agenda contains all the rules that can be fired. The Pattern Matcher is the algorithm that is used to match the rules on the facts given. In Drools latest version, there are many different algorithms that is used (The main one is the rete algorithm).

On each of those parts, it is possible to add a callback when we create a Session.

We shall add a toString method to all our POJO classes Account, AccountingPeriod, and CashFlow. To do so we shall let eclipse generate it for us by right-clicking in the source code

The first test is passed and we see the output generated when the rule is fired. The second test first inserts an object, then updates it the retract it. To update an object, you first have to memorize the fact handle :

FactHandle handlea = sessionStatefull.insert(a);

and then you have to use that fact handle to tell drools the object was updated :

   sessionStatefull.update(handlea, a);

and the same applies when you want to retract (now called delete in drools 6) :


as we call the "fireAllRules()" method after we retract the only fact that was in the working memory, the rule "Your First Rule revisited" is not fired.

When and how is a rule fired?

Here is the result :

The rule is still not fired a second time. Just modifying the object does not do the job.

Let us modify the example like this by telling the rule engine we modified the fact :

Here is what is happening when the FireAllRules method is called on a stateful session :

  • drools will look at all rules that can apply and put it in its agenda.

  • drools will execute the rule that is on top of its agenda

  • Once fired, the rule will be deactivated

  • We have to tell drools of a state change in one of the facts in the when part (lhs) to make him reconsider the rule.

  • A state change can be an insert, update, or delete (retract).

In the last example, we tell drools that a fact has been updated

sessionStatefull.update(handle, a);

So, therefore, considering the previously inserted fact has been updated, drools reconsider the rule. As in the rule "Your First Rule revisited" there is no condition on the attributes, the rule is then fired.

But we can also do that in the then (RHS) part of a rule: insert, update, retract.

  • two first lines : an object of type CashFlow was inserted. We did that from the Junit test with the code FactHandle handlea = sessionStatefull.insert(a);

  • the third line is generated in the then part of the rule "Your First Rule revisited AccountingPeriod".

  • The fourth and fifth line: an object of type AccountingPeriod was inserted. This was done in the then part of the rule "Your First Rule revisited AccountingPeriod"

AccountingPeriod newPeriod = new AccountingPeriod();
        insert (newPeriod);
  • the last line is coming from the then part of the rule "Rule on AccountingPeriod that are inserting". Meaning the inserted object AccountingPeriod we inserted in the previous rule triggered the second rule.


This ends the first lesson where we learned the core concepts needed when working with drools : 1. What is a rule 2. A rule with a simple condition 3. How to log what is happening in the rule engine 4. What triggers a rule execution and how to interact with the rule engine for fact handling.

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